BEN REWIS — digital business coach

38 years ago, I packed a backpack, shoved $400 in my pocket and boarded the Green Tortoise Bus to San Francisco, California. Like the bus, I was green: only 17. But, I did have one thing going for me… I could code.
Fast forward nearly four decades—during which I traveled the world and spent some time living on the “other” coast —I’m back in the Bay Area (the surfing is too damn good).
I am unique compared to other technology strategists. I occupy two wildly different worlds: the digital and the physical.
When I am not coaching leaders of digital initiatives, I am climbing mountains, sailing, surfing, or hiking. In 2019 I was honored as a Fellow of the Royal Geographic Society (FRGS), an honor I share with Charles Darwin and Sir Edmund Hillary.
My many passions have brought me to the realization that data and technology can not only make companies money, but they can help change the world.
Aside from being a digital business coach, I am also the co-founder and executive director of the Drop In Coalition.